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Serbia-China Free Trade Agreement boosts market access and export potential

Serbia's Minister of Internal and Foreign Trade, Tomislav Momirović, announced that the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Serbia and China will come into effect...

Serbia-China Free Trade Agreement: Unlocking opportunities for Serbian businesses

Serbia's Parliament has received a draft law to confirm an Agreement securing a 100 million euro loan from the Italian financial institution Cassa Depositi...

Čačak’s trade dynamics: Export challenges and import trends in 2024

In the first four months of 2024, Čačak's economy exported goods worth 137 million euros while facing a trade deficit, importing goods totaling 210...

The debate over lithium mining in Serbia – Calls for public discourse and potential referendum

It seems like there's a significant debate and concern surrounding the lithium mining project in Serbia, particularly regarding environmental impact and public participation. Here...

Profit and challenges: A financial overview of Serbian companies in 2023

In 2023, Serbian companies reported a combined profit of 972.4 billion dinars, marking a 12.3% improvement compared to the previous year. This data, derived...

Economic growth and challenges: Serbia’s first quarter of 2024

In the first quarter of 2024, Serbia's gross domestic product (GDP) experienced a notable real growth of 4.7% compared to the same period in...
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Engineering communications, PR for mining companies

Public relations (PR) and engineering communications for mining companies involve specific strategies tailored to address the unique challenges and opportunities in the mining sector....

Engineering communications, PR for industrial companies

Engineering communications and public relations (PR) for industrial companies involve strategic efforts to convey complex technical information in an accessible manner, manage the company's...
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Serbia faces increased electricity imports amid rising coal and power production challenges

In the previous year, Serbia imported an estimated 4.8 million tons of coal, marking a 70 percent increase compared to the 2.8 million tons...

Serbia’s hazelnut production: Partnering for sustainable success

Italian ambassador Luka Gori highlights Ferrero's experience in Serbia as a prime example of bilateral cooperation, with optimistic prospects echoed by those seasoned in...

Shift in Serbia’s trade landscape: Russia drops from top five partners

Real GDP growth in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period last year stood at 4.7 percent. Seasonally adjusted data series...

Serbia’s industrial sector shows resilience with growth in key areas

In April of this year, Serbia's industrial production showed promising growth compared to the same period last year. Here's a breakdown of the key...

Challenges and priorities for Serbia’s new government: Economy, public finances and political landscape

Recently, Serbia's Parliament elected a new government, maintaining continuity with the coalition of parties and movements in power since 2012. Although there's a new...

Serbia pursues nuclear energy partnership with France: Advancing towards sustainable energy solutions

Serbian software industry experts are emphasizing the importance of embracing cutting-edge technologies, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), to meet evolving client demands. They advocate for...

Serbian Government adopts strategic plan for EU Fund management and green bonds framework

During today's session, the Government of Serbia endorsed the Strategic Plan for Combating Fraud and Managing Irregularities in Handling EU Financial Resources for the...

Serbia’s strategic energy initiatives: Advancing hydroelectric and gas projects with Romania

The Serbian Government has designated the construction of the Đerdap 3 hydroelectric power plant (HPP) as a project of significant importance, announced the Ministry...
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Serbia pursues nuclear energy partnership with France: Advancing towards sustainable energy solutions

Serbian software industry experts are emphasizing the importance of embracing cutting-edge technologies, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), to meet evolving client demands. They advocate for...
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