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There has been an increase in the number of frauds targeting e-commerce platform users

The Republic Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services RATEL, as a sector dealing with information security, warns that an increasing number of frauds aimed at users of e-commerce platforms has been noticed. These are advertiser scams.

Dušan Uzelac from the Kamatica website said, as a guest on the RTS morning program, that this is not a novelty, electronic commerce is growing, and frauds are not characteristic only for online commerce.

Answering the question how fraud occurs, Uzelac points out that there is no fraud without greed, when you see that something is cheap, there is always a trick.

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“These are not exactly scams, I intended this for bigger scams, these are petty scams. You usually advertise one on the Internet and get another, a photo is presented on the Internet. You can use another photo, photos are embellished on all social networks, people are embellished, products, services, in that sense, citizens who buy something and do not get what they saw are considered deceived”, Uzelac explained.

Consumer protection

According to him, the greatest protection is for us to protect ourselves, because the worst is when we rely on someone else to protect us.

There are efficient mechanisms that protect us, said Uzelac and cited the example of card payments, which is very efficient.

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“Many people think it’s easy to take money from your card. Even if they can take money from your card, it’s very difficult to get away with it. It’s not a problem of robbing a bank but of escaping with loot. It’s much harder to get it out”, and there are rigorous controls on that side, everyone who has that payment processor – the online card goes through strict tests to get it “, Uzelac notes.

I bought online ten years ago, and 15 years ago I ordered some things from China and took a risk, says Uzelac.

The first property tax installment is due

The tax calendar for February states that the first obligations are due tomorrow. It is about submitting a tax return and paying taxes on non-life insurance premiums for the previous month. What interests us the most are property taxes, the first installment for this year is due. Solutions will arrive only during the year.

The novelty and the best advice is that today there is a possibility to check the obligations on the portal of the local tax administration.

If the older ones don’t manage, an ID card with a certificate is enough, let them ask some of the younger ones, says Uzelac.

Regardless of whether we know how or not, this mechanism will be more accessible, we will understand that there is no need to go somewhere to finish it, Uzelac underlined.

How to fill holes in the budget

January is good for the financial finger on the forehead, think about financial health, think a little about summer vacations, said Uzelac.

“Planning is always the same answer and it’s not scary, imagine the amount for summer vacations, see where you are going and start from there, citizens think it is necessary to have programs, papers. Financial management is relaxed, there are some skills you can improve and it is done once”, he says.

How to use credit

He thinks credit is a good thing if you know how to use it.

Uzelac says – get to know yourself, different people function differently with finances, someone is a general to himself and says: from tomorrow like this, someone says from tomorrow like this and change, someone uses credit to force himself to be financially responsible, RTS reports.

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