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There are more and more foreign workers in Serbia

The number of foreigners working in Serbia is increasing year by year due to the lack of local labor force, says the Honorary President of the Union of Employers of Serbia, Nebojša Atanacković.

Atanacković told Tanjug that the main reasons for this are the labor shortage in our country, because our workers are going to Europe.

In addition, we are talking about the growth of economic activity in Serbia as well as the reduced interest in attending vocational schools, which again leads to a deficit in some professions.

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“Construction, for example, is such a sector that requires a great deal of multidisciplinarity, more or less all those trade profiles are needed there, electricians, plumbers and so on, as well as the builders themselves,” said Atanacković.

The majority of construction workers in Serbia come from Turkey, and those who work in the field of civil engineering and road construction, a lot of workers come from Azerbaijan and other countries.

Regional cooperation

Atanacković says that the agreement that exists within the Balkan common market will help employers to more easily hire workers from North Macedonia and Albania, who, according to Atanacković, are closer to us in terms of mentality.

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“If our businessmen manage to provide a sufficiently high-quality labor price, we can get people who are closer to some of our habits, because after all, it is the Balkans.” “We will see how much it will succeed and whether it will,” Atanacković said.

According to Atanackovic, a large number of workers are helping to fill labor shortages related to Chinese investments. In addition to that, there are also Chinese workers who are employed in Bor and Majdanpek.

“As employers, we see it as an inevitable phenomenon that is old.” There was always that movement of the people towards those parts of the country that offered them more opportunities,” Atanacković pointed out.

He explained that there are certain differences between employers and foreign workers due to different conditions and ways of raising people, as well as lifestyles, especially those, as he said, who come from Asia.

“Nevertheless, simply, in the absence of domestic labor, the employer welcomes every employee, who will be able to help him not to reduce his activity, but to continue his development or at least stay at the same level of his productivity,” says Atanacković, Nova Ekonomija reports.

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