The European Union will allocate more than 650,000 euros in non-refundable funds from pre-accession IPA funds for projects aimed at improving the tourist offer and cultural heritage in seven cities and municipalities in Eastern Serbia and the Lower Danube region, it was announced today.
Local governments, project holders, have invested at least 20 percent of their own funds as additional co-financing for the implementation of the projects they have applied for.
“These are difficult times in which we are witnessing Putin’s aggression against Ukraine. Ukraine is our neighbor and only 10 days ago they said they wanted to modernize their country and raise their potential. We hope that soon we will be able to work with all partner countries again, we are discussing perspectives for a brighter future, “said Emanuel Joffre, head of the EU Delegation to Serbia.
He pointed out that the EU, through the project “EU for You – for cultural heritage and tourism”, not only helps Serbia to preserve and improve its cultural heritage, but also to improve its tourist offer, which contributes to economic growth, especially during the crisis caused by the Crown Pandemic. virus.
“The EU is proud that, along with some other cultural monuments, it has already enabled the reconstruction of Golubac Fortress and we are happy to be able to help work on buildings along the Danube and in Eastern Serbia, to help restore the beauties of Serbia’s rich cultural heritage,” said Joofre.
In the next two years, as long as the project is expected to last, the EU will award grants to small and family entrepreneurs in the tourism sector, young activists and civil society organizations, innovators and cultural heritage management organizations, tourism promoters, regional agencies through similar competitions. for development, organizations that deal with business support for the development and promotion of tourism, said in a statement the project organizers.
The project “EU for You – for cultural heritage and tourism” is financed by the European Union, co-financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and implemented by the German Organization for International Cooperation GIZ, Beta writes.