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Artificial intelligence from Novi Sad creates the future

It deals with, among other things, automatic speech recognition, that is, technology that analyzes spoken words and phrases and translates them into written text.

The Research and Development Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Novi Sad is engaged in research into its application in various fields, so it is already possible to photograph the earth from satellites and, based on that, determine its quality or in the future to delete waiting lists for doctors.

As we learn from Dr. Slobodan Ilic, a scientific associate at the Institute who is also a member of the group for computer vision, computer vision and remote sensing, this institution was founded in 2021 with the aim of improving the field of artificial intelligence in the region. Another reason is that, according to him, the state recognized the need for the development of artificial intelligence and its application. There are five research groups in the Institute in which young researchers work.

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The first is called “Human Computer Interaction”, and according to Dr. Ilic, it deals with the interaction between computers and humans.

It deals with, among other things, automatic speech recognition, that is, technology that analyzes spoken words and phrases and translates them into written text, which facilitates interaction between people and computers through speech.

Another research group called “AI in Healthcare & Lifescience” deals with the application of artificial intelligence in healthcare.

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Research is based on making better diagnoses, to see how better drugs can be created, among other things, through cooperation with business partners – said Dr. Ilić.

He also mentioned the project for the modernization of mammography in Serbia, in order to help in making diagnoses.

Dr. Slobodan Ilić believes that artificial intelligence should not be feared, if it is used properly, because it is a technology like any other.

If you would have asked people 100 years ago if there was a need to be afraid of washing machines, they might have confirmed, because its application would eliminate the job of a housewife. However, it turned out that this technology is very useful and if it is applied in this function, it is a help to man. You can take a part from the washing machine and put it in the tank and it performs a completely different function. Then we should be afraid. So the answer is twofold. Because it depends on people and how they will use artificial intelligence in the future – says Dr. Ilić.

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