The average salary in Serbia saw a decrease of 1,186 dinars in August compared to the previous month, according to official statistics. The gross average salary for August 2024 was reported at 133,591 dinars, while the net average salary (after taxes and contributions) was 96,649 dinars, as announced by the Republic Institute of Statistics.
In July, the average net salary stood at 97,835 dinars, indicating a reduction of approximately 10 euros in August. Media earnings also reflected this trend, with August’s average at 75,575 dinars, down from 76,000 dinars in July. The median net earnings suggest that 50 percent of employees earned up to this amount.
From January to August 2024, gross wages increased by 14.7 percent in nominal terms and 9.3 percent in real terms compared to the same period last year. Average net wages also rose, with a nominal increase of 14.6 percent and a real increase of 9.2 percent.
Year-on-year, the average gross salary for August 2024 shows a nominal increase of 12.3 percent and a real increase of 7.7 percent. Similarly, the average net salary has nominally risen by 12.2 percent and in real terms by 7.6 percent.