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Business building of Aeroinzenjering in New Belgrade put up for sale


The Privatization Agency announced today that it would put the business building of Aeroinzenjering in New Belgrade up for sale.

The final price will be determined on June 14.

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The minimum price of that facility, along with associated office furniture, equipment and vehicles, is RSD 800 million.

According to the ad that was published today by the Agency, the estimated value of the property is RSD 2.41 billion.

The business building of Aeroinzenjering is situated in Nikole Tesle boulevard.

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All juristic and physical persons who pay RSD 50,000 (plus VAT for the participation in the sale procedure) will be able to compete for the acquisition of aforementioned building.

The bankruptcy manager will open all submitted bids and reject those offering the price lower than the minimum price.

He will declare the buyer if the highest offered price is higher than 50 percent of the estimated value of the subject of the sale.


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