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Energy potentials Serbia – Renewable

The basis of the energy policy is incorporated in Serbian Energy Law and Energy Development Strategy up to 2015.

Serbian Energy Policy sets out three crucial elements of sustainable development

  • Competitive energy markets
  • Environment protection
  • Energy efficiency and use of renewables

Energy Development Strategy document contains six parts:

  • Assessment of Serbian energy sector, energy consumption and production, national resources, constraints
  • Basic elements of Energy Development Strategy up to 2015 with objectives, priorities, program instruments, described in detail
  • Forecasts of energy needs up to 2015
    • Macroeconomic assumptions of economical and industrial development
    • energy demand determinations per consumption sectors and fuels’ structure
    • Determination of forecasts of total/primary energy per fuels and production origin
  • Priority development programs of particular energy sectors up to 2015 , measures and potential investments developed on the basis of five priorities with an assessment of positive effects regarding energy increasing of production / energy decreasing of consumption
    • First – basic priority: Programs of continuous technology modernization of energy factories/resources in oil, gas and coal sector
    • Second – targeted priority: Programs for rational use of energy and energy efficiency
    • Third – special priority: Programs of selective use of new renewable energy sources and efficient production technologies and appliances
    • Forth – optional priority: Program for exceptional investments into new electro energetic and heath sources
    • Fifth – long-term- development and regionally strategic priority: Programs of intensive capital investments into new sources/objects and the participation in strategic (regional/ Pan-European) energy infrastructure projects
  • Survey of the economic situation in the energy sector including the harmonization between the electricity and the heat prices and the costs of electricity and heat production, the costs of maintenance and the new capital investments.
  • Proposal for monitoring and evaluation system and harmonization of Priorities.

This Strategy does not include the area of Kosovo and Metohija.

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In general, there are five different types of policy instruments, which can be used for increasing energy efficiency:

  • Legislation/regulation: laws, by-laws, standards, codes
  • Economic measures: taxes, subsidies, tariffs
  • Research and development: targeted efforts to develop more energy efficient technologies as well in connection with energy production as end-use sectors. Development of improved strategies in connection with change of behaviour might also be within the scope of research and development activities
  • Information and education: information and education of energy users on how to use energy more efficiently
  • Data and statistics: energy data and energy statistics to develop strategies and to monitor the development including estimation of potentials for energy savings

Legislative Background – Energy Law

Adopted by National Assembly of Serbia on July 22, 2004 and entered into force on August 1, 2004.

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The present Law shall regulate the following:

  • Energy policy objectives and the method of its implementation
  • Energy market organisation and functioning
  • Conditions for regular and high quality consumer energy supply and for ensuring safe, reliable and efficient energy production
  • Management of energy transmission, transportation and distribution systems and the method of securing the smooth functioning and development of these systems
  • The conditions for and method of carrying out energy activities, energy efficiency and environmental protection conditions in carrying out energy activities
  • Monitoring of the implementation of this law

Principles of this Law are:

  • Quality and organisation of energy supply for consumers taking into consideration the environmental protection
  • Stable and sustainable development of energy activities Energy efficiency
  • Liberalization of energy market
  • Ensuring non-discrimination approach to all subjects on the liberalizing energy market
  • Open access to all energy systems and energy supply networks
  • Priority for renewable energy sources
  • Environmental protection

Serbian Energy Law states the achievement of the following long-term objectives as the basics for Serbian energy policy:

  • Secure, quality and reliable supply of energy and energy carriers
  • Long-standing and balanced development of energy industries in order to provide the quantities of energy and energy carriers necessary to meet the customer needs
  • Stimulation of market competition based on principles of non-discrimination, transparency and stimulation of competitiveness of the economy in the republic of Serbia
  • Creation of conditions for safe and reliable operation and functioning of energy systems
  • Ensuring the co-ordination of development of individual energy-related activities and introduction of state-of-the-art technologies
  • Provision of conditions for enhancing energy efficiency in the whole chain of energy-related activities and energy consumption
  • Creation of transparent, attractive and stable conditions for investments into building, revitalization and upgrading of energy-related facilities and systems, as well as creation of conditions for their connection to energy systems of other countries
  • Stimulation of use of renewable energy sources
  • Stimulation of environment protection
  • Decentralization of rights and responsibilities in planning and execution of development programs in the energy sector
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