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EPS,Electric Power of Serbia, on the Strategic Turning Point

EPS is producing today 13,6 % more electrecity than 1990. godine. Electricity consumption in households increased for one third and industrial production decreased for more than 50 %,  therefore this records do not create new values, but energy and economic inefficiency in Serbia. Serbia faces real danger and lack of electricity due to the lack of coal supplies, situation that Serbia might not have sufficient electricity supply from domestic sources.

Extraordinary results of EPS realized in production of coal and electricity are not followed by appropriate financial effects, and this is the main reason of questioning will EPS will be able to maintain reached level of production and regular supply in the following years, said  for the EPS magazine „kWh“ Mr. Zoran Manasijević, assistant Manager of EPS for technical system.  Latest electricity price increase will help only enough to settle the large number of invoices from last overhaul season and to start basic works from planed 2011 overhaul cycle, there is no space for other more important investment works from our resources. 

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– From this reasons EPS initiated search for strategic partners for construction of highly necessary new power plants. It was clear for years that EPS is not able to fund this strategic improvement from own resources, influenced by electricity price we have for years. With this electricity price EPS cant finance even smaller but important development projects and not to mention new facilities. The construction of new facilities cant start if large amount of money is not secured, you cant start construction of power plant and then stop, this is the worst option like in the case of Kolubara B“ – stated Manasijević.

Crossing point for the state

EPS assistant to General Manager also stated that the production máximum is reached and that electricity consumption is in the trend of increase, EPS is on the turning point, either it will start construction of the new power plants or start planing increased electricity import in the following period.

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Production in the power plants is highly dependant to the coal production in Kolubara and Vreoci area. EPS has to open new coal pits even without new power generation facilities. And for that project EPS also requires financials.

The government is now on the crossing point, strategic decision is how to preserve the energy sector in Serbia. Thanks to the electricity sales, EPS balance sheets are positive in that segment. Considering the situation with facilities modernization status, that started with international donations, now we have upgraded facilities but still far from market realistic prices of electricity.

Best part of the Serbian economy

– According to the results EPS demonstrated its position as most vital part of Serbian economy. Thanks to the policy of dedicated work and knowledge, EPS manage to overcome the critical points and influences coming from external factors, economic crisis. Following the development strategy, combining the dedication of its workers and their experience, EPS managed to raise the standards of doing business in Serbian economy. Unfortunatelly system failed into economic and financial crisis because it was sacrified for the preservation of social peace in the country.

Mr.Manasijevic concluded that EPS was not lucky but keen to maintain the production and supply of energy to the country and consumers, combinging the internal experience and know that lead to the excellent results.

Interview, parts taken from EPS magazine Kwh, translation by Serbia Energy Team


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