Srbijagas Director Dusan Bajatovic said that natural gas in Serbiji must subsets, because of the recent price correction past two years, and the purchase price rose last year from 270 to 400 dollars.
Bajatovic in an interview for Dnevnik said it was unpopular to constantly talk about the gas must subsets because the Serbian importer of gas, and prices on the international market is constantly growing.
“It does not like to hear a government of Serbia, just as you do not like either party exchanges, especially in an election year. But forget all that gas for households not gone up for two years and that his purchase price rose from 270 to 400 dollars just for the past year, “said Bajatovic.
He added that the gas should subsets in November last year, but that held promise to not increase the price by the end of the heating season, although consumers owe Srbijagasu 680 million euros.
“Of course we also help all consumers and effectively subsidized gas consumption in Serbia, “said Bajatovic.