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Gazprom Neft satisfied with NIS business results

The Russian oil company Gazprom Neft, the majority owner of Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS), is satisfied with NIS business results in 2011, Gazprom Neft Director General Alexander Dukov told Tanjug.

The Russian oil company Gazprom Neft, the majority owner of Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS), is satisfied with NIS business results in 2011, Gazprom Neft Director General Alexander Dukov told Tanjug.

NIS is developing very successfully and positive results in the Serbian-Russian energy cooperation may be noticed, Dukov said.

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He stated that the cooperation between Serbia and Russia in the area of energy is mutually beneficial, and that it is developing very successfully.

Transforming NIS into the Balkan leader will certainly take some time, but we can see the company’s potentials and we have trust in the NIS management. Gazprom Neft is absolutely positive that this will be the case, Dukov said, stressing that the cooperation between the NIS management, Gazprom Neft and the Serbian government is very constructive.

It is crucial that good foundation for future development of NIS was laid last year, Dukov said, and recalled that the modernization of Pancevo-based refinery was also launched in 2010.

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He said that the NIS development strategy was drafted in 2010, and that its implementation has been launched, adding that this will enable company’s spreading in the region and approach to its goal of becoming the oil leader in the Balkans.


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