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In May, a budget surplus of 6.7 billion dinars was achieved

Great news from the Ministry of Finance

In the period January-May of this year, the deficit of the republic’s budget was realized in the amount of 71 billion dinars , while a budget surplus of 6.7 billion dinars was recorded in May alone, the Ministry of Finance announced today.

Realized budget revenues during five months amounted to 655 billion dinars, and expenditures to 726 billion dinars.

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When it comes to the results achieved in May alone, revenues were collected in the amount of 145.3 billion dinars, of which tax revenues amounted to 127.8 billion. The largest part of tax revenues refers to the payment of VAT in the amount of 69 billion dinars, and excise duty in the amount of 27.7 billion. Non-tax revenues amounted to 16.8 billion dinars, and the inflow of donations amounted to 0.7 billion dinars in the said month.

At the level of the general state, in the period January – May, a fiscal deficit of 58.8 billion dinars and a primary fiscal surplus in the amount of 11.1 billion dinars were realized, according to the announcement of the Ministry of Finance, Srbija Danas writes.

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