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In Serbia, the area under native wineyards is about 22,000 hectares

In 2021, almost 500 wineries reported the production of about 29.5 million liters of wine, which is 32% more than the production year 2020/2021.

Since 2016, 1,025 new grape producers, 4,720 vineyard plots and 1,163.7 hectares of vineyards have been registered in the Winery Register. The number of authorized users of designations of geographical origin increased from 2 to 116 (114 new users), and the number of wines with geographical origin increased from 8 to 436 wines (428 new wines).

Of the total amount of wine produced in 2021, 15.9 million liters were produced from domestic grapes, while 13.6 million liters were produced from imported raw materials, mainly from North Macedonia.

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In 2021, based on data from the Wine Register, the production of red/rosé wines (56%) was more prevalent than the production of white wines (44%).

As in the previous year, during 2021, the structure of wine production according to quality categories, i.e. according to geographical origin, and based on data from the Wine Register, dominates the production of wines without geographical origin (“table” and “table varietal” wines) with 87 % participation.

The production of wines with geographical origin (GI, KPK and KGPK) in 2021 makes up only 13% of the total wine production and is higher by 19.6% compared to the previous year, while it is higher by 9.6% compared to the last five-year period average.

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The average producer price of table grapes in 2021 was 0.8 EUR/kg, while the average producer price of grapes for processing was 0.4 EUR/kg.

Foreign trade exchange

In the foreign trade exchange of wine, Serbia constantly achieves a negative foreign trade balance, both in terms of quantity and value.

Observing the foreign trade exchange of wine (excluding flavored wine), in 2021, about 13.6 million were imported. kg of this wine more than was exported. The import of wine in 2021 was at the level of about 24 million. l (4.3% more than in the previous year), while at the same time exports of about 10.4 million were realized. kg (4.4% less than in 2020).

In 2021, Serbia achieved the highest volume of trade in wine (excluding flavored wine), as in previous years, with CEFTA partners, while imports from this market are still very pronounced. Imports from the CEFTA market in 2021 amounted to 20.1 million kilograms, which is 83.9% of the total import of that wine, according to Minister Tomislav Momirović, who yesterday met with Jean Sebastian Philippe, general director of Chateau LAfite Rothschild.

During 2021, slightly more than 3.3 million were exported to the CEFTA market. kg, which accounts for 32.3% of total exports in that year. In 2021, the amount of exported wine (excluding flavored wine) to the CEFTA market is 3% less than in 2020 and 25.3% less than the average amount of wine exported in the previous five-year period.

Part of the wine trade takes place with the countries of the European Union. In 2021, 3.6 million kg of wine (excluding flavored wine) was imported from the European Union market, which accounts for 15.2% of total imports this year. The amount of imports of the mentioned wine from the European Union market in 2021 is 3.8% higher compared to 2020 and 57.2% higher compared to the previous five-year average.

During 2021, about 759 thousand were exported to the European Union market. kg of wine (excluding flavored wine), which accounts for about 7.3% of total exports this year. In 2021, the amount of exported wine (excluding flavored wine) to the European Union market is 0.6% less than in 2020 and 24.6% less than the average amount of wine exported in the previous five-year period.

A significant part of wine trade (excluding flavored wine) takes place with other countries, where exports dominate, while imports are negligible. During 2021, slightly more than 6.2 million were exported to the markets of other countries. kg of wine, which is 60.4% of the total amount of exported wine in that year. In 2021, 8.3% less of the aforementioned wine was exported to these markets compared to 2020, i.e. by about 5.5% more than the previous five-year average.

Observed by country, in 2021, as in the previous year, the largest amount of wine (excluding flavored wine) was imported from North Macedonia (about 66% of the total imported amount) and Montenegro (about 15% of the total imported amount).

In 2021, as in the previous year, the largest amount of wine was exported to the market of the Russian Federation (53.4% ​​of the total amount of wine exported), Bosnia and Herzegovina (about 25% of the total amount of wine exported) and Montenegro (about 7.3 % of the total amount of wine exported).

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