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Loans to companies increased by 9.7 percent in the first three quarters

The loans granted by Erste Bank to the economy from January to September reached over one billion euros and are 9.7 percent higher than at the end of last year. Also, company deposits increased by 10.8 percent, so they now amount to around EUR 895 million, Erste Bank announced.

Loans to households and micro clients in that bank decreased in the first nine months by 1.4 percent (compared to the end of last year) and now amount to EUR 931 million.

Household and micro client deposits in Erste Bank increased by 5.2 percent in the same nine-month period, and now amount to EUR 1.2 billion.

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“Profit from interest increased by 44.1 percent compared to the same period of the previous year and amounts to EUR 91 million, while profit from fees and commissions is higher by 7.3 percent and amounts EUR 22 million,” announced Erste Bank.

Non-performing loans (NPL) at the end of the third quarter of this year in Erste Bank amounted to 2.9 percent.

“The general economic situation worsened significantly during the year. Nevertheless, we managed to increase the volume of lending in the last nine months. Thanks to our strong capitalization, good risk performance and continued cost discipline, we will be able to successfully respond to the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities ahead,” said Willy Chernko, CEO of Erste Group.

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