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Main objectives will be stable supply to domestic market, exports increase-Serbian minister


Minister of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management Dusan Petrovic said  that the first step of the Ministry is to reduce the risks that may lead to destabilisation in supplies to the market with basic foodstuffs.

Petrovic told reporters in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce (PKS), where he participated in the presentation “Extrajudicial consumer disputes”, that the main objectives of the Ministry will be stable supply to the domestic market and increasing exports.

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He announced a set of measures to be taken as well as talks with all market participants and said that he personally and the Serbian government will try to ensure fair conditions in the Serbian market.

Clear rules for all will be set up and these rules will have to be respected, he said.

Subsidised loans are the best possible instrument to increase growth in agriculture and manufacturing industry, said the Minister, adding that large manufacturers need to get a clear impetus and encouragement from the state to be able to export.

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Petrovic stated that the Law on consumer protection is an important step towards establishing a modern consumer protection system to safeguard consumer rights and bring Serbia closer to the EU.

This law develops competitiveness and encourages further improvement of competition, which is in everyone’s best interest, he observed.

He noted that the Law on consumer protection may not be yielding true results yet, but voiced his expectation that any flaws in its implementation will be speedily and efficiently rectified. He also invited consumers and trade representatives to work together on this matter.

The Minister noted that mediation is essential for consumer rights protection in Serbia, stressing his hope that a number of disputes will be resolved this way.

Courts can be slow and expensive and this is not a game between equal partners, because the trade sector is “stronger” than the average consumer who often does not have the time or money for court disputes, which is precisely why mediation is significant.

Only a well-informed consumer can contribute to the development of competitiveness and the market, Petrovic remarked, pointing out the enormous significance of trade, as this sector includes around half a million employees and comprises 24% of GDP revenue.



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