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Million grants for RHE Bistrica

The European Commission approved EUR 8.44 million in grants for the reconstruction of the reversible hydropower plant (RHE) in Bistrica and the preparation of a Feasibility Study with an Environmental Impact Assessment for the Central-Balkan Corridor project, the Ministry of Mining and Energy announced.

The funds were provided through the Investment Framework for the Western Balkans (WBIF) and will be used to finance the reconstruction of HPP Bistrica and the preparation of a Feasibility Study with an Environmental Impact Assessment for the Central-Balkan Corridor project. Beneficiaries of the funds are Elektriprivreda Srbije (7,722,671 euros) and Elektromreže Srbije (724,482 euros).

The implementation of these projects will contribute to the increase of production capacities from renewable energy sources, as well as transmission capacities by connecting Serbia with its eastern and western neighbors, making us an important energy hub of the European power system. Almost one third of the total approved funds are intended for projects in the field of energy.

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The estimated total value of the investment is 36.1 million euros.

Security of supply

“By replacing the equipment at the HPP Bistrica, which was built more than 60 years ago, its lifespan will be extended, which will contribute to the security of supply, increase the share of production from renewable energy sources, as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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” Project-technical and spatial documentation has been prepared for this project and construction permits have been obtained, and the beginning of the works is planned for the second half of the next year,” said the Minister of Mining and Energy, Dubrava Đedović.

Why is Bistrica important?

RHE Bistrica should have four aggregates with a nominal power of 157.1 MW and a maximum pump power of 167.9 MW. The conceptual design dates back to 1981 and was done by Energoprojekt-Hidroinženjering from Belgrade, while the planning started about half a century ago.

The construction of RHE Bistrica provides flexible power production capacity in the center of the region’s power system.

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