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Naled’s grey book unveils key recommendations for business advancement

The Serbia Chamber witnessed the launch of Naled’s 16th edition of the Grey Book, unveiling 19 new recommendations and updating 81 others to address administrative barriers hampering businesses in Serbia. Minister Mihailo Jovanović received the Reformer of the Year award for his significant contribution to digital reforms.

Dejan Đokić, President of the Executive Board of the National Alliance for Local Economic Development (Naled), emphasized the critical role of digitization in successful reforms, aligning with the Grey Book’s recommendations. This includes the presentation of ten key priorities for the future Serbian government.

Đokić expressed optimism that the new government would expedite reform efforts, surpassing the annual target of implementing 12 recommendations, as achieved in recent years.

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The ten crucial recommendations for the future government involve electronic payment of all fees, abolishing parafiscal charges, reducing fiscal burdens on minimum wages, unified tax collection for entrepreneurs, and electronic storage and delivery of employment-related documents.

Naled also proposes the introduction of e-cards and e-sick leave, strengthening inspection capacities through further digitization, establishing a unified digital platform for spatial planning (eProstor), addressing legalization issues, and implementing a deposit system for packaging returns.

This year’s Grey Book introduces 19 new and 81 updated recommendations aimed at eliminating administrative obstacles in Serbian business operations. Notably, 13 recommendations focus on promoting cashless payments to combat the informal economy and advance e-governance.

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Among the resolved recommendations in 2023, Đokić highlighted the elimination of conversion, the mandatory application of green criteria in specific public procurements, and the regulatory framework for digitizing healthcare and electronic communications.

The Grey Book also identified 18 reform initiatives receiving EU recognition for their significance in Serbia’s rapid European integration.

Minister of Information Mihailo Jovanović, awarded Reformer of the Year, expressed gratitude, acknowledging the collective effort in implementing reforms and digital transformation in Serbia since 2017.

Emanuele Giaufre, Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, emphasized Serbia’s progress in public and e-administration, renewable energy investments, and reforms in public enterprises.

Minister of Health Danica Grujičić highlighted the importance of the new Health Documentation and Records Act, enabling the integration of archives from all healthcare institutions into a unified data system by January 1 next year.

Mateo Colandjeli, Director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for the Western Balkans, stated that EBRD’s support to Serbia aligns with the green transition, environmental protection, and enhancing competitiveness and productivity of Serbian businesses.

The article comprehensively covers the key highlights from the Grey Book presentation, recognizing both the achievements and ongoing challenges in Serbia’s ongoing reform journey.

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