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New incentives for investors of up to 10,000 euros – Applications to be received prior to December 10

The Ministry of Economy and Regional Development and the Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) announced a public call today for submission of applications by investors and companies interested in receiving incentives for newly created jobs, under the condition that the investment is made into products and services that can be exported.

In that way, they have started the 12th round of approval of financial incentives on the basis of the Regulation on terms and way of attracting direct investments. The period for submission of applications starts today and ends on December 10.

The granting of funds depends on the place of investment. Namely, incentives for an investment in the production sector ranges between 2,000 and 5,000 euros, while incentives for investments in devastated areas and areas of special interest – Zajecar, Kraljevo, Nis, Novi Pazar – range from 4,000 to 10,000 euros.

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The investors who are interested in investing in automotive, electronic and IT industry in the areas of special interest can receive between 5,000 and 10,000 euros per newly created job, while the incentives for investments in the service sector range from 2,000 to 10,000 euros.

– A total value of the agreed investments within this programme is EUR 697.9m – people at the Investment and Export Promotion Agency specified.

Through previous 11 rounds, a total of 131 projects were implemented, while about 73.1 million euros were granted from the budget.

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Thanks to previous direct investment incentives, about 21,300 jobs have been created in Serbia to date, while the average amount of incentives per newly created job amounted to about 2,500 euros.


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