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Petroprocess to modernize EPS power plant CEMS system with state of the art equipment

Petroprocess was contracted to perform revitalization and modernization of the current continuous emission monitoring system CEMS on Serbian power utility EPS Thermal power plant Kostolac.

Petroproces plans to implement state of the art modernization upgrade of existing CEMS equipment in accordance with the highest EU standards. The modernization project is expected to be completed and commissioned in first half of the year.

Petroprocess is one of the key environment management equipment supplier of Serbian power utility EPS and its thermal power plants with number of successfully completed projects over the years. 

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Petroprocess Serbia is known as regional know how leading company who developed the expertise and resources to deliver fully integrated and optimized solutions for process analytics, emissions monitoring (CEMS), combustion & flame analysis,and pumping systems as well as measuring/control equipment and associated maintenance services.

For advanced monitoring of combustion processes Petroprocess is offering system for visualization of combustion processes in boilers and industrial and process furnaces.

Process knowledge and our design and installation expertise allow us to create accurate systems which provide our customers with more information on temperature distribution in combustion chambers, analysis of unbalanced combustion processes, burning analysis, slag monitoring and visualization of flame in combustion chamber, post combustion area, hoper, grate and flame front monitoring.

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As well as flame visualization, Petroprocess systems additionally offer temperature determination, thermal analysis of the local temperature distribution and temperature definition in specific areas of interest.

Furthermore, Petroprocess is offering design and implementation of advanced ignition systems. Depending on customer needs, we may provide high energy electric igniters (high energy electric spark is capable to directly ignite fuel oil), flame monitors and controllers, gas igniters, pilot burners, gas/oil burners and gas control solutions.

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