The city of Pirot has signed a cooperation memorandum with the Open Society Foundation from Belgrade, aimed at improving the use of solar energy and introducing a new system for monitoring the production of green energy in the city.
The goal of the project is to connect all the solar power plants in the city through new software, allowing for the monitoring of their energy production. This will provide insight into energy savings, which can then be reinvested into improving schools and local community facilities, explained the Mayor of Pirot, Vladan Vasić, according to the city’s official website.
The Pirot-based company MAG has been tasked with developing the software for monitoring the solar power plants, with a completion deadline set for May 31, 2025.
Currently, several solar power plants have already been installed in Pirot, including on the roof of the School of Economics (15 kW), in the local communities of Temska and Dojkinci (5 kW each), at the Komunalca facility (30 kW), at the secondary waste separation facility (150 kW), and at the Berilovac pumping station (150 kW). A new solar power plant is also planned for the roof of the indoor swimming pool, with a capacity of 75 kW, said Mayor Vasić.
Miodrag Milosavljević, deputy director of the Open Society Foundation for the Western Balkans, highlighted that Pirot was a pioneer in their “prosumer” project, which involves producers and consumers of electricity.
“After the successful pilot project in Pirot, we expanded it to Valjevo and Kragujevac, where we installed solar panels on six schools,” Milosavljević said.