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Plaza to open shopping mall in Kragujevac in first quarter of 2012

The company Plaza from Israel will have the construction of its first shopping mall in the Balkans, worth EUR 60 million, finished in the first quarter of 2012, people from the city management of Kragujevac said today.

This building is under construction in Kragujevac’s settlement Stara Radnicka Kolonija, on an area of 80,000 square meters.

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The future exclusive trade and business center will comprise a cinema multiplex with 900 seats, a fantasy park spanning 2,000 square meters, coffee shops, fast food restaurant with 350 seats, a bawling room, sports courts, and an underground garage.

As the press learned today from Nebojsa Vasiljevic, a member of the City Council for Investments and Development of City Resources, the city management has been confirmed the final deadline for completion of works on the shopping mall in a talk with Plaza President Mordejah Laiser who visited the building site in Kragujevac yesterday.

– The job of the prime contractor has recently been given to another company – Tehnobeton from Varazdin, and the works are now maximally intensified – said Vasiljevic.

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According to him, Plaza’s representatives are more than satisfied with their relation with the city management, but they are surprised at the fact that they are still unable to have anything built on the two lots they bought in Belgrade five years ago.

Construction of Plaza’s shopping mall in Kragujevac commenced in autumn 2008 and should have lasted for 18 months. Due to the global economic crisis, the construction was discontinued in the period between spring 2009 and November 2010.

In the settlement Stara Radnicka Kolonija, in the vicinity of Plaza, construction of another two residential-business complexes is underway and investors are Greek company Global and the company Nelt.


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