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Serbia Energy Sector Becoming Increasingly Interesting

Milan Cusic, the Deputy Director of the Canadian company REV said that the company will invest about €140 million in the construction of two hydroelectric power plants ­- Brodarevo 1 and Brodarevo 2 on the River Lim.  

The construction works on the hydro-electric power plants will start in mid-summer and have 26 megawatts and 32.4 megawatts, respectively. Moreover, the Electric Power Company of Serbia (EPS) and the Italian company Seci Energia have signed the Preliminary agreement on cooperation in the energy sector. The agreement concerns implementation of an energy project – construction of a system of hydroelectric power plants on the middle reaches of the Drina river. Several agreements on cooperation in use of hydro potentials of the Drina river have already been signed between the governments of Serbia, Italy and the Republic of Srpska (RS), “which is considered one of the most precious hydro potentials for clean energy production in Europe”.

The capacity of these hydroelectric power plants will be 300 megawatts, while the value of the investment is estimated at about €819 million.

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Source Siepa

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