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EMG & Serbia Business : Serbia on the Road to the European Business Standards

Serbia Business, as media partner, and Ekonom:east Media Group proudly presents the conference: Serbia on the Road to the European Business Standards on May 24th 2011, Hotel Hyatt( Registration Form can be found below, LINK form application Pdf download)

24. May 2011. 9:00 – 15:00

Serbia’s entry to the European Union is a priority of the Serbian Government. Sustainable economic development in Serbia is still largely dependent on the inflow of foreign investments. Foreign investors often face legal barriers that prevent efficient operations in Serbia, and for the development of local companies there is a need of harmonizing Serbian legislation with the EU regulations in order to increase legal security, business and competitiveness. The similarities and differences of business conditions in Serbia and the EU, customs and tax obstacles for competition development, changes in the Law on planning and construction, the legalization and restitution, the new agricultural policy of the Serbian Government and the importance of competition for Serbian market development will be the topics for the representatives of domestic and European institutions, Serbian government ministries and business and industrial associations and companies.

Here you can find Registration Form ( Pdf download)

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08:30-09:00 Participants registration, coffee/tea

09:00-09:30 Introductory speeches by: Božidar Đelić, Vice-president of the Serbian Government, in charge of European integrations
Vincent Degert, Ambassador, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Republic of Serbia

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09:30-10:45 Panel 1: Business Environment

• Nebojša Ćirić, Minister, Ministry of economy and regional development, Republic of Serbia
• Miloš Bugarin, President, Serbian Chamber of Commerce
• Kjell-Morten Johnsen, President, Foreign Investors Council
• Bojan Radun, President, Serbian Association of Managers
• Dragoljub Vukadinović, President of the company, Metalac Holding
• Business conditions in Serbia and EU – similarities and differe nces, adjustment to the EU standards
• Custom and tax obstacles for competition development
• Re-industrialization

10:45-11:00 Coffee Break


11:00-12:15 Panel 2: Construction Industry and Permissions

• Oliver Dulić, Minister, Ministry of environment, mining and spatial planning, R epublic of Serbia
• Nenad Tesla, Director, Republic Geodetic Authority
• Mile Antić, Coordinator, Restitution Network
• Dragoslav Šumarac, President, Serbian Chamber of Engineers
• Milan Parivodić, President, Foreign Investor Service

• Changes in the Law on planning and construction – first effects on construction industry
• Property and legal relations and protection of property rights
• Legalization
• Restitution

12:15-12:30 Coffee Break

12:30-13:45 Panel 3: Monopoly Politics with the Focus on Agriculture and Trading

• Dušan Petrović, Minister, Ministry of trade and agriculture, Republic of Serbia
• José Antonio Gómez Gómez, First Advisor, Delegation of the European Union to Serbia
• Milan Prostran, Chairman of the Board for Agriculture, Serbian Chamber of Commerce
• Vesna Janković, President, Commission of Protection of Competition
• New agriculture politics of the Serbian Government
• What awaits Serbian agriculture in 2014
• Subventions for agriculture in Serbia and EU
• Importance of competition for Serbian market development
13:45-15:00 Networking lunch / Cocktail

Here you can find Registration Form ( Pdf download)


Jelena Jezdović
+381 11 3333 003

Tamara Koštro
+381 11 3333 026

Serbia Business & EMG




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