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Serbia, The plan is to get a quarter of the electricity from the wind and the sun

The Minister of Mining and Energy, Dubravka Đedović, said today that the first auctions for providing incentives to producers of electricity from renewable energy sources are expected soon, and that the plan is to obtain 1,000 new megawatts of electricity from RES in the next three years. The minister told K1 that we currently have more than 550 megawatts of electricity from RES on the grid, and that by improving the regulatory framework, the preconditions will be created to launch auctions through which the state will give incentives to investors who invest in RES, and that the plan is to get new 400 megawatts of electricity through the first auctions.

“The goal is to create a three-year plan for auctions in order to reach 1,000 new megawatts, which in total, in the next five years, would mean that we have 2,000 megawatts of electricity from RES, which is not insignificant for our energy system, which has about 8,500 megawatts.” , said Đedović.

Part of the cost to be borne by investors

She pointed out that they are currently working on improving the regulatory framework, with the aim that part of the responsibility and cost of building and connecting new wind farms or solar parks will be borne by investors, not only the state-owned companies EMS and EPS.

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“We already have more than 550 megawatts from renewable energy sources on the grid, which is insufficient, but still significant for a country like Serbia, since we are not a member of the EU. Previously, it was necessary to attract investors and create a regulatory framework for ‘feed in tariffs’ that electricity is purchased by EPS,” Đedovićeva said.

She pointed out that Serbia is on the way to decarbonizing its energy sector and economy and that it is necessary to have less CO2 emissions, as well as to modernize the entire energy sector, Euronews reports.

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