The Serbian Government, through the Ministry of Economy, has announced plans to finance the expansion of the Industrial Zone in Vršac due to the existing capacities being fully utilized and the need for additional space. This was revealed by the Minister of Economy, Adrijana Mesarović, during her visit to Vršac.
“We will continue with the further development of infrastructure, including financing the construction of the electrical system and the connection to the first-order state road. This missing infrastructure will complete the area’s preparation, making it ready to attract new investors, open new production facilities, and create jobs for the citizens of Vršac,” stated the minister, according to the Ministry’s website.
The Sever Industrial Zone is located about five kilometers from Vršac, towards Plandište, which is an underdeveloped municipality that will benefit from the new zone’s development. Additionally, a new highway will be constructed through the southern Banat region, enhancing the area’s connectivity and development potential.