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Serbia`s company Baninini to employ 200 new workers

Minister of Economy and Regional Development Nebojsa Ciric signed yesterday in Kikinda with representatives of company “Banini” the Agreement on allocation of a grant for boosting investment, with which 200 new jobs will be created.

Ciric said after the signing of the agreement that the state will always help companies like “Banini” in order to boost exports and create new jobs.

Owing to these incentives, over next nine months 200 people will be employed in Kikinda and they will have good working conditions, the Minister pointed out and recalled that the unemployment rate in this municipality is 19.2%.

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Since 2006 when the implementation of this programme began, incentives have been given to more than 160 companies, of which two thirds are domestic companies.

Ciric called on entrepreneurs to apply to competitions and underlined that since 1 January this year the National Employment Service has a programme for small and medium-sized enterprises with incentives ranging from €1,000 to €4,000.

Director of “Banini” Radojko Stanic said that 100 workers will be employed in next month and a half, another 50 by the end of the year and another 50 in the first half of 2012.

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Through this ministry’s programme for boosting investment, administered by SIEPA, “Banini” received €1 million for construction of a new confectionery plant in the Kikinda municipality and €5,000 per each new employee.

This investment envisages construction of an 18,000 square metre production hall and purchase and installation of the production line and packaging of confectionery products.

“Banini” has 350 workers, a turnover of approximately €20 million per year and it exports 20% of its entire output.


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