Ambassador and head of the EU Delegation in Serbia, Emanuele Giofre, assessed today that Serbia has benefited greatly from trade with the EU and stated that Serbia’s exports to the EU have grown almost sixfold in 12 years.
The value of Serbia’s annual exports to the EU increased from almost 3.2 billion euros in 2009 to slightly less than 18 billion euros in 2022. That’s almost a six-fold increase over a twelve-year period. We believe that these and other figures must be known to the Serbian public – said Giofre.
As stated in the press release of the EU Info Network, trade between the EU and Serbia has been steadily increasing for years, and last year bilateral trade reached a total value of almost 40 billion euros.
The EU has traditionally been Serbia’s key trade partner, accounting for 58.7 percent of Serbia’s total trade exchange in 2022, with similar percentages continuing for years.
As for trade in agricultural products, Serbia has a surplus in relation to the EU, which in 2021 reached its historical maximum of 688 million euros.
The EU market traditionally represents the most important export destination for Serbian agricultural products with more than 50 percent of the total export of Serbian agricultural products to the EU in previous years, which is a continuation of the multi-year trend.
Companies from the EU are by far the largest foreign investors in Serbia with around 60 percent of total foreign direct investments registered in the period from 2010-2022. year, which means that more than 20.5 billion euros of investments come from the EU in the period from 2010-2022.
EU companies directly employ around 300,000 people in Serbia, while indirectly many more Serbian citizens are employed in small and medium enterprises in Serbia, which cooperate with EU investors as their suppliers or clients in various value chains.
These and other data on trade are at the center of the billboard campaign that the EU Delegation recently launched throughout Serbia, according to the announcement.
The billboards illustrate the great importance that the EU has for Serbia compared to other trading partners and are located in 42 locations throughout Serbia.