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Serbia’s Nectar to buy Slovenia’s Fructal?


The Serbian leading juice manufacturer Nectar is the most serious candidate for the acquisition of Fructal, Press daily newspaper learns from reliable sources in Slovenian business circles.

As these sources claim, three or four companies have entered the so-called final round for the acquisition of the Slovenian company, while Nectar from Backa Palanka has the greatest chances to become the new owner of Fructal.

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– More than 17 companies purchased the documentation and Fructal received about 10 non-binding bids. Only three or four companies have managed to enter the final round and they are expected to submit binding bids. Along with Nectar, a guess is that Austria’s Spitz is also still in the competition. However, Nectar is seen as the most desirable buyer here in Slovenia, the one that would lead Fructal in good direction. That would also be a logical acquisition since the Serbian company, the leader in the category of juices in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro, would only expand its influence to the market in Slovenia – says the source of Press.

According to some earlier writings in Slovenian media, the interest in Fructal was also expressed by Germany’s Eckes-Granini, Austria’s Pago and Rauch, Czech Republic’s Kofola, Slovenia’s Ljubljanske Mlekarne, as well as the municipality of Ajdovscina, which wants that factory to remain in the possession of Slovenia.


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