As of the end of January, Serbia’s public debt stood at EUR 39.01 billion. The largest creditors were the buyers of Eurobonds, to whom Serbia owed EUR 10.31 billion. Following them were the holders of long-term dinar securities, with a debt of EUR 7.41 billion. Serbia also owed EUR 3.96 billion to commercial banks in the form of loans and EUR 3.16 billion to foreign governments.
The Chinese Export Import Bank was owed EUR 3.10 billion, while the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was owed EUR 2.46 billion.
In terms of currency structure, at the end of January, 78.1% of the public debt was in foreign currency. Of this, 57.5% was in euros, 13.8% in dollars, and 6.4% in Special Drawing Rights (SDR). The remaining 21.9% of Serbia’s public debt was in dinars.