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Slovakia reiterates support over EU


Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič met with Serbian FM Vuk Jeremić and said his country supported Serbia’s entry into the European Union “without reservation”.

He also stated that Bratislava’s stance not to recognize Kosovo remained unchanged.

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Like Slovak Foreign Minister Mikulaš Dzurinda before him, Gašparovič highly praised the arrest and extradition of Ratko Mladić.

This would help accelerate talks on Serbia’s EU membership considerably, he stated after the meeting held in Bratislava on Monday.

Jeremić said Serbia’s goal was to obtain EU candidate status and set a date for the start of accession talks.

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Jeremić also told his Slovak host that Serbia would reject any conditions in its bid to join the EU that would put the screws on Belgrade to recognize the independence of Kosovo.

Dzurinda promised Jeremić that Slovakia would actively work toward effecting a date for Serbia’s EU entry talks.

Both ministers emphasized the importance of the Belgrade-Priština dialog, but also rejected hanging Serbia’s European integration on any compromise in that dialog.

Jeremić concluded his visit to Slovakia after talks with members of the parliament’s Committee on European Affairs.



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