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The company IWConnect is not just a team of silent programmers

Information and communication technology is an expansive realm of various fields and businesses, and sometimes it is challenging to explain what a certain IT company is engaged in. The success of a company depends on how willing it is to navigate through different tasks and jobs, which is especially important in this time when many changes are occurring, leading to widespread layoffs and even company closures.

While many IT companies opt for specific tasks, some, like the Novi Sad-based IT firm IWConnect, act as intermediaries between different levels of jobs, tasks, and companies. Their main task involves a combination of outsourcing and consulting in the IT system.

Primarily, IWConnect is focused on outsourcing, which involves selling consulting services, says Milica Janković from the company’s HR department. – We engage in the development of software solutions, mobile application development, system integration, testing, 3D animations, design, artificial intelligence, and many other spheres. Currently, the company has 350 employees. Most colleagues have completed programming studies, while others joined programming or other roles from various fields such as law, linguistics, fashion, automotive industry, biochemistry, and many others.

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And that’s not all. This company also develops its own programs specifically tailored to the business they are engaged in, which is a bit challenging to explain.

“We have developed several of our products – Virtual Assistant for SnapLogic Project Documentation, AI-Powered Jira Story Generator, 3DotsCommerce, IW Monitoring Solutions,” says Milica, attempting to illustrate how their business operates.

The struggle for survival in fair conditions

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It could be said that breaking through and surviving in the global market requires a combination of expertise, innovation, and hard work. This involves adapting to new trends, technologies, and circumstances, and for employees, it means education and team development. Success also lies in maintaining communication with clients to better understand the obstacles and problems they encounter and their needs. Errors are inevitable in work, so we strive to acknowledge them, discuss them, and demonstrate a willingness to correct them. Being fast while remaining skillful is what sets companies apart in the market – emphasizes Milica Janković.

Outsourcing is a working system in which a portion of the work is assigned to an individual or a company outside the main organization, thereby saving on internal resources. Companies engage in projects rather than time-based commitments, making it easier to control the pace of operations. Selling consulting services and system integration is a complex task through which a company attempts to coordinate the operations of multiple firms working on a single project. Its employees use various programs and applications to integrate the results of work from different companies and shape them into a system that functions equally for everyone. Roughly speaking, it’s like an IT hub that connects telephone, satellite, signals from space, and the ones from the afterlife, weaving them together into a whole that everyone can hear.

The spectrum of clients we collaborate with and the projects we work on is very diverse. Healthcare systems, energy, finance, logistics and transportation, electric vehicles, the music industry, manufacturing, telecommunications, and biotechnology are just some of the areas where we’ve had the opportunity to make an impact – says Milica. She adds that the consulting approach is crucial, meaning that communication with clients, much like that of our telephone operators, is of paramount importance. – Instead of simply executing technical tasks and requests, our colleagues take on the role of partners who understand the clients’ business goals. Clear communication about risks, opportunities, and benefits of different technical decisions builds a relationship of trust – says Milica.

In this way, consultant programmers contribute to innovation and the optimization of business processes, meaning they reduce noise in communication between companies and shorten work time.

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