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The competition for the election of the general director of EPS is ongoing

The competition for the election of the general director of EPS is ongoing and all interested candidates who meet the requirements, among whom, there are some from the current and previous management, should send the documentation by September 15th to the representative of the Boyden Western Balkan company in Serbia . She will recommend the best to the Supervisory Board, which will make the selection.

At least that’s what was stated in the letter from the PR department of the EPS, in which it is added that “the representative of the company “Boyden Western Balkan” in Serbia was elected according to all legal procedures, with the aim of further processes of modernization and improvement of the business of one of the most important companies in the country.

This practically means that even before the announcement of the general director’s competition, this company was involved in tasks related to help with the selection of personnel.

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In addition, on the public procurement portal, we could not find this company engaged in EPS, so cooperation was probably established through other legal procedures. What we found, which is related to this type of service, is the Agency “Tonchew Advisory Associaties Doo Beograd”, whose owner is the Bulgarian citizen Edvard Tonchev, which on August 9th, a few days before the announcement of the director’s competition, received two jobs from EPS . It is about the services of “assessing the leadership potential of managers” and “head hunting”.

As for the public procurement for “head hunting” (executive search) services, the explanation says that the “offer of Tonchew Advisory Associaties” from August 4th, 2023 is the only acceptable one, with the offered price of 15 percent of the annual gross salary of the candidate for whom the service in question was provided.

The contract is concluded at the estimated value of the public procurement of EUR 84 430 without VAT.” This decision on awarding the contract also states that the company “Tonchew Advisory Associaties Doo Beograd” meets the criteria for the selection of bidders from Article 117 of the Law on Public Procurement (PPL).

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