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The EBRD finances the reconstruction of hydropower plants

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) published a preliminary notice on the project of reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Vlasina hydroelectric power plants, which provides that the EBRD will credit this project with 67 million euros, while Energy company Serbia will use an additional 15.4 million euros from the grant aid of the European Union, through the investment framework for the Western Balkans (WBIF), approved in December 2022.

The estimated total value of the project is 82.4 million euros, and as stated in the EBRD announcement, two tenders will be announced: the first for the procurement of works (it will be based on the bank’s two-stage open tender procedure), while the second will refer to the supervision of the project based on open tender procedures of the bank.

The project aims to extend the life of the hydroelectric power plant (power 128 megawatts) for the next 40 years, increase the installed capacity by eight megawatts and increase production to approximately 310 gigawatt-hours (which is equivalent to the energy needs of 93,000 households).

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The subject of the project is the reconstruction of production aggregates, supporting and auxiliary electromechanical systems of aggregates and power plants, hydromechanical equipment and control equipment at the facilities of the Vlasina power plants: HPP Vrla 1, HPP Vrla 2, HPP Vrla 3 and HPP Vrla 4.

Vlasin hydroelectric power plants belong to the group of oldest hydroelectric power plants within EPS, and the company recently submitted to the Ministry of Environmental Protection a request for a decision on the need for an environmental impact assessment of the project of reconstruction of production units and accompanying equipment.

The investment will also ensure reliable and safe operation of the cascade for the next 30 years, with a power of 136 megawatts.

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