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The growth of non-cash payments in Serbia continued in the second quarter

The use of the most modern forms of payment in our country continued to grow in the second quarter of this year, as evidenced by the fact that at the end of June, there were 3.82 million users of the contracted electronic banking service, which is 5.49 percent more than a year ago, announced is the National Bank of Serbia (NBS).

The mobile banking service had 3.65 million users, 13.42 percent more than in the same quarter of 2022, and in addition to the number of users, the total number of transactions performed by individuals and legal entities through digital banking also increased.

The number of payments through electronic banking decreased by 8.55 percent, while the number of transactions through mobile banking increased by 31.80 percent compared to the second quarter of 2022.
When it comes to payment cards, their number was 10.99 million at the end of June, which is 6.50 percent more than at the same time in 2022.

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In the second quarter, 127.78 million payment card payments were made in stores in our country, which is an increase of 17.47 percent compared to the number of payments in the same quarter last year.

At the end of the second quarter, there were 3,036 ATMs in Serbia, by 3.44 percent less than in the same quarter of 2022, and in parallel with this reduction, the expansion of the reception network of POS terminals was recorded, which numbered 129,980, by 10.80 percent more than a year ago. of the day.

At the end of March this year, there were 3,809 online stores, or 853 more than at the same time last year. The growing popularity of buying goods and services over the Internet, with cards and electronic money, is evidenced by the fact that in the second quarter of 2023, the number of dinar transactions through which citizens made purchases via Internet sites amounted to 9.6 million, which is a 39.37 percent increase more than in the second quarter of 2022.

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The growth in the use of non-cash payments in the country continues to be supported by the growth in the use of instant payments. The growth in the number of transactions in the second quarter of 2023 was 23.60 percent, or 3.1 million instant payments more than in the second quarter of the previous year.

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