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The index of the most liquid shares Belex15 weakened by 0.1 percent

The index of the most liquid shares on the Belgrade Stock Exchange, Belex15, weakened last week by 0.1 percent, to 886.9 points, the Momentum Securities brokerage announced.

The offer for the sale of several of the most liquid shares was increased, and the total turnover on the market amounted to 5.4 million euros.

The share of the Oil Industry of Serbia (NIS) cost EUR 6.28 at the end of the week, so it exceeded EUR 6.23 for the first time since the end of June.

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The company announced that on the last day of October, it will announce its business results for the third quarter and the first nine months. The decline in the value of that company’s shares followed the disappointing result in the second quarter, which was marked by the payment of a donation to the state in the amount of 60 million euros.

The share price of Metalac increased by 4.6 percent, to EUR 13.47, but the largest part of turnover of EUR 74 thousand was realized at a price of EUR 12. This, as stated, is a direct consequence of the sale of shares of a foreign fund, which thus came out of ownership.

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