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The new port of Belgrade will be built in Krnjaca

On the initiative of the Port Management Agency, the Urban Institute of Belgrade developed an urban project for the construction of a bulk cargo terminal for the new port in Belgrade.

A bulk cargo terminal is planned on the left bank of the Danube, at river kilometer km 1161+800, downstream from the existing Port of Belgrade and the Pančevački bridge, more precisely in Krnjača.

It will occupy an area of ​​about 37.6 ha, and the total width of the water area will be 230 m.

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As part of the terminal, the following are planned: operational shoreline, raw material dump, sub-terminals for sand and gravel separation, sub-terminals for aggregate for concrete and concrete-asphalt bases, traffic areas, corridor for the passage of railway tracks and green areas (minimum 20%).

Among the facilities there will be an administrative building, a control and access facility and 12 facilities for port operators, as well as 88 parking spaces for passenger cars and 41 for trucks.

Apart from the content in the function of the port activity, the area of ​​the port terminal can be used for compatible purposes – public services (customs, tax administration branches, etc.), areas for economic zones (warehouses, warehouses, etc.), commercial contents, etc. as accompanying contents.

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The construction of the planned contents and compatible purposes within the port terminal should be preceded by filling the ground in order to protect against flooding.

It is added that a Feasibility Study for the construction of a bulk cargo terminal in the port of Belgrade was also carried out, which concluded that the construction of the terminal will not result in significant changes in the hydraulic regime, from the aspect of the existing level of flood protection on the left bank of the Danube.

When it comes to traffic areas, the terminal area is connected to the wider traffic network of the city via the planned road that creates a surface intersection with the Pancevački road with a full program of connections.

Also, to the north, at a distance of about 3 km, the Belgrade-Pančevo railroad passes, from which it is planned to build an industrial track that would pass north of the planned bulk cargo terminal. The previously planned parts of the industrial track (two arms) on the south side of the embankment are being cancelled.

An internal sewage network is planned within the complex. Until the construction of the city’s sewage network, the removal of used water from the site in question can be solved through the local plant for the purification of used water, after which the water is released into the Danube flood, according to the project, which is open for public inspection from July 28 to August 5.

Let us remind you that for the construction of the new port of Belgrade, as the Assistant Minister for Water Transport Veljko Kovačević previously told eKapija , a location 10 km upstream from the Pupin Bridge, a location in Krnjaca and Port of Pančevo as a Belgrade port were in circulation, eKapija reports.

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