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There are more and more ads with good salaries, many are giving up because of this

Belgrade, but also many cities in Serbia, are flooded with advertisements asking for traffic workers, warehouse workers and delivery drivers, for salaries ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 dinars.

The response of those interested, however, is weak, and he is a godfather, although no special profession is required for these jobs, and the fact that there are still a lot of obligations along with the basic job, but also the fact that the employer usually registers workers at a minimum.

“Necessary workers in shops in several locations, salary 50,000 dinars, registration, one day off per week, experience is not necessary”, is the text of numerous advertisements asking for these sellers. plus, as stated, “payment over the norm”, and an attractive offer for the delivery driver who is offered a salary of 100,000 dinars, if he would do the job himself, or 80,000 dinars if he used the company’s vehicle, of course with paid fuel.

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It seems quite decent and it is, nominally, significantly higher salaries for this sector of trade than they were in previous years. On the other hand, the interest of even those who currently do not have any business is less than ever, and this is confirmed by those who have placed ads in search of sellers.

– It is true that it is difficult to find a worker to work on the traffic, especially in larger cities, while in smaller places, where less traffic and work is much easier, it is easier to find sellers. The promised salary of 50,000 dinars, unfortunately, is not initial but maximum. Workers at newsagents apply for a minimum, and for 50,000 dinars they can “come out” through bonuses that are realized by selling items that are on sale. If we compare with the salary in the traffic, for example, the salary in a factory where no additional engagement is required in the sense that you animate the customers yourself and offer them something that they did not intend to buy, it is clear that most, especially if factories are not required to have the appropriate professional qualifications, rather than for that job, than for trade – explains the interlocutor from one of the companies that is looking for traffickers.

Those who work in the tobacconist’s are far from attractive, confirming those who work in them, emphasizing that apart from the minimum wage, they are most bothered by the lack of days off, lack of toilets and daily fear of theft “which employees have to compensate from their own pockets”.

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– You work in a “box” in which you freeze in winter and cook in summer. The job is not just selling, but also shipping. In order to make more money, you have to advertise a lot of small things on stocks, and the norm is set for that. Holidays are not a problem, they exist, but there are problems when someone has to be on sick leave, and then there is no one to work for. Not to mention the daily hassle of when and how to go to the toilet, it is impossible to just lock the traffic because all the refrigerators have to be locked, and that lasts. This is really done only by those who have to – confides a saleswoman who, for understandable reasons, wanted to remain anonymous.

In addition to traffickers, there are fewer people interested in the work of warehouse workers, although the salary for those jobs is not minimal and no additional sales engagement is required in order to achieve earnings bonuses.

– Physicalization is the easiest and that’s all. Because, receipt, organization, inventory, issuance of goods accompanied by appropriate documentation, are simply not things that can be done “half” of the brain, without experience and knowledge of what kind of goods it is and without basic computer literacy, let alone knowledge of excel spreadsheets. Training for this job, on the other hand, is superficial and accelerated, and the sanctions for mistakes are deductions from wages and compensation for damage to goods. The contracts are, of course, fixed – explains one storekeeper.

Finally, when it comes to drivers-suppliers of goods, the interlocutor from one trade chain that organizes their work points out that it is really an extremely hard job for which the maximum salary is currently 80,000 dinars, and only in Belgrade companies.

– Each of the suppliers should visit 30 to 50 stores a day, but not in one place, but, as is the case with us, on the route Belgrade-Obrenovac-Ub-Valjevo-Mionica. If he works with his vehicle, then he has a better salary, but then there are the costs of maintenance and registration. Because of the time spent behind the wheel, the job is literally “spine trans”, and where are the parking lots, crowds, traffic police? So that a large number of them cannot reach all destinations, and if he is missing one box of goods in the trunk, he is guilty and must make up for it. This job is living outside the home and depriving one of all social life – he says.

According to economist Sasa Djogovic, all of the above influences that these unattractive occupations in the trade sector remain unattractive, regardless of the fact that in most cases they do not need appropriate professional training.

– In most cases, the salary is a legal minimum, work is for a certain period of time, there is no guarantee of a secure job. In the background is the long-term unstable market, which means unstable trade, and the consequence is a lack of private initiative and a lack of a free man who has stable earnings and a secure income in the private sector. That is why we have a social environment where jobs in the public sector are desirable, so that there is a secure salary with as little zeal and effort as possible – Djogovic concludes, Kurir reports.

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