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Vucic: I will not allow the shutdown and closure of the mine in Bor

The Serbian Progressive Party held a pre-election rally in Bor today, and the candidate for president of that party, Aleksandar Vučić, announced that this year they will start the realization of a new hospital in that city, for which 20 million euros are needed with equipment.

Vučić also said that on May 1, the works on arranging the road Bor – Selište in the length of 30 kilometers will begin, and that 10 days after the elections he will go to Krivelj to talk to the locals, but also Slatina about all problems and joint find solutions.

“I will not deceive anyone, but I will sit for 24 hours and the state will help and do everything to make people happy and the future of their children secure,” he said.

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Emphasizing that he will not allow the shutdown and closure of the mine in Bor, Vučić reminded that Serbia had a debt of 1.2 billion euros before finding a strategic partner for that mine.

Every month, the state of Serbia lost tens of millions of euros, the question was when we would put the key to the mine, they told you to plant peanuts and make bamboo furniture. However, we managed to find a partner and now the average salary in RTB Bor is 105,000 These are better results than we had, and Serbia does not owe a single dinar, let alone 1.2 billion, “he said.

He added that RTB is today the largest exporter and our most important factory, and announced that work on the smelter will begin in three months, which will contribute to cleaner air.

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“Bor is on a very good path, it has a secure future, it will be richer, the city budget is much bigger, in 2012 it was 1.4 billion dinars, and today it is 4.2 billion. Three times bigger in 10 years,” he said. Vučić added that in 2012, 2,953 cars were registered in Bor, and that today there are 17,134.

Stating that there are a lot of lists in Bor for the elections, Vučić said that it is because there is a lot more money in the budget, so they are interested because “they think about their pockets, not about the citizens”.

He emphasized that it is important to bring another strategic investor to Bor, in order to, as he says, completely solve the issue of unemployment in that city, especially for women.

When it comes to infrastructure, Vučić says that the road infrastructure is being completely improved, and that a fast road will be built, which will be very important for the entire Bor district.

Bor lives from the miners and we will not shut down the mine, says Vučić and points out that the mines will not be shut down.

The mine was built by Bor, we will work in the fresh air, but we will not fire 7,000 people because it is fashionable and desirable for someone to shut down the largest factory in Serbia. Mines and industry have built this country, they think that the time when they were locked factories, three months ago they came and asked us to shut down all the mines and if I had listened to them today there would be no electricity, there would be no work “, he states.

As he says, his interest is to have employees, people who work, pay taxes, spend money, who love their job, and not people who say something against someone.

“Why should I talk about opposing candidates, is it because the only policy is to insult Vučić, curse something. I don’t care what they say, I will speak in deeds – railways, roads, hospitals, theaters …”, the SNS leader emphasized.

Danica Grujicic, the first on the SNS list for the parliamentary elections, pointed out that Serbia today is not what it was in 2012 and 2010, but a country that is developing perhaps the fastest in Europe, providing many opportunities and returning those who left.

She stated that she has been working in healthcare for 40 years and pointed out that she has never invested in healthcare again.

“Almost nothing has been done in health care for 20 years, and you cannot make up for everything that was lost in a few years, but the path we are taking and the way we now treat the state health care system is the right one,” Grujicic said.

She states that she thought that she would never enter the Clinical Center of Serbia as an active doctor, but maybe she would retire in the past, and that now that health institution is practically nearing the end.

“The Emergency Center of Belgrade will be moved to a new building by the end of the week. The Clinical Center of Vojvodina is coming to an end, and the construction of the hospital for children Tirsova 2 has begun, which will have the most modern equipment,” Grujicic said.

She pointed out that the state had given a firm promise that the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia would be built, but that this year we would get a magnetic knife which, she added, would greatly change the course of the disease in patients with abdominal tumors.

“And that is only a part. What the Ministry of Health will work on in the future is a obstetrician, pharmacist, dentist, pediatrician. That is what we must all have,” said Grujicic.

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