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Where did the Serbian builders work the most?

Last year, builders from Serbia carried out works worth 19,950 million dinars abroad, and the greatest construction activity was recorded in Russia, where almost half, more precisely 45.3 percent of the total value of works was carried out, according to the latest data of the Republic Institute of Statistics.

In second place is Germany with 13.7 percent, followed by Uganda with 13.3 percent and Romania with 5.3 percent.

Observed according to the type of buildings, most of the work was done on buildings where works were carried out in the value of 12,836 million dinars, which is 64.3 percent of the total value of the works carried out.

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Our contractors hired 1,541 workers abroad, and the largest number of them worked in Germany, the Netherlands, Russia and Montenegro.

Last year, the most works were contracted in Russia, followed by Germany, the Netherlands, Montenegro and North Macedonia.


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