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Wind & Hydro energy projects development


Clarifying and managing uncertainties of renewable project investments

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Renewable project developers face unique challenges—from evolving regulatory and permitting considerations to engineering and market uncertainties.

Understanding project risks, challenges and success factors

We understand the challenges project investors face in evaluating investments in renewable projects. We help clients clarify and manage uncertainties in energy resources, project costs, and evolving regulatory, permitting, and retail markets.


We also understand the risks and challenges posed by sitting decisions, particularly when project benefits may be incompletely understood by the host community. In the context of each project, we collaborate with clients, constituencies and communities to identify win-win solutions for all.


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Our technical, strategic and public relations services helps positively position renewable power projects, and the project developer, throughout the feasibility and development phases. And we support the full project development process from feasibility studies, to due diligence, sitting and commissioning.  




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