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Serbia sees growth in payment cards and transactions: Increased use of ATMs, POS terminals and online stores

As of the end of June, Serbia had issued 11,760,905 payment cards, marking a 7% increase compared to the same period last year, according to the National Bank of Serbia.

In the second quarter of 2024, there were 156.7 million transactions made with domestic payment cards in stores, representing a 22.6% rise from the same quarter in 2023. Additionally, the number of transactions using foreign payment service cards grew by 24.6%, with tourists in Serbia making over 12.8 million payments during this period.

By the end of the second quarter, Serbia had 3,133 ATMs available, a 3.2% increase from the previous year. The network of POS terminals also expanded, with nearly 149,000 terminals in use, a 14.6% increase from the second quarter of 2023. Furthermore, there were 4,340 virtual sales points (online stores) by the end of June, reflecting a 13.9% rise from the previous year and an increase of 531 online stores facilitating card payments.

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